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Let’s Help Santa Shop!

This post contains Amazon links for your convenience. As an Amazon Affiliate I may earn a commission at no charge to you. Happy shopping!

I cannot believe it is THAT time of year again! Can you?! Where do the days, weeks, months go?! Whether it’s for a birthday, Christmas or other special occasion, I enjoy making or buying a gift that I feel is really special. If you are like me, you know that it can sometimes be hard to choose that perfect gift. Below are some ideas for you to either create or buy for that special someone on your list!

If you are a Creative and plan to make gifts, below are links to my posts that contain both Supply lists and Instructions to help you create a truly special gift! Many of these gift ideas use previously loved items or are made with supplies on hand. They make unique, economical gifts. If you have gifts to purchase, scroll down to see ideas for the Creatives in your life.

Gifts to Make


For the Ladies

For Littles

For the House

For the Garden

Looking to buy? Click through the images to see all options that might work best for your giftee!

Gifts to Buy


Whether you have a new-to sewing person on your gift list or an experienced seamstress/tailor, these are must have items!  I have sewn for years and use all of these on a regular basis.  The sewing machine here is a nice basic one for the new creator or as a 2nd machine for the experienced one.


Here are some gift ideas for the artist or crafty person on your life.  One can never have too many paintbrushes!


I hope this list has been helpful to you in choosing a gift for that someone special in your life!

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and all-around holiday season! We are so happy that our youngest grandbabe will be here again for Christmas! He was here 2 years ago when he was not quite 1 so this year will be a blast! We are looking forward to watching him react with SNOW!

I’m excited to share more projects with you as well as tips/tricks/freebies! Just enter your email below to be one of my Blog Peeps!

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  • Tabby

    I know you probably get quite a few inquiries about that tree!! So let me just jump in and ask too…did you make that beautiful thing or did you purchase it. I am brand new to your site today, the link I came from is Hometalk, I am addicted!!! LOL
    Also looking forward to seeing your projects, thanks a bunch! See you soon😃

    • Jeanne

      Haha 🙂 I have been asked about the tree a few times. It’s just my artificial one that is pre-lit, flocked & has berries on it. I stylized the photo using PicsArt. They have a feature called Oilpainting under the Artistic section in their Effects option. That app has been a lot of fun!

      I’m glad you’ve come over to visit my blog! If you have any questions, please let me know. You can reach out to me on my email.

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