fashion upcycle
Fashion Upcycle

Need a skirt? Look to your shirts…..

Turtleneck Rehab

I don’t know about you, but it’s very hard for me to toss clothing.  Even though I donate my clothes to a thrift shop or give them to a friend, it just feels like losing a friend.

Have I mentioned what a fan I am of Pinterest?  I got hooked years ago when my friend Carol told me about it.  She had seen a neck warmer that she thought I might want to make.  It didn’t take me long to become an addict, spending hours of time searching for inspiration and directions on how to do a myriad of crafts and projects.

I ran across a Pin that showed how to convert a turtleneck into a skirt. Yes! Something I could do with the turtlenecks I had that were stretched out, too tight or just no longer wore.  The instructions looked simple so I thought I’d give it a go.  I’ve since made 2 for my daughter in law, 3 for a coworker and 6 or 7 for myself – I’ve lost count.

Above is my coworker, friend Kris. How cute is she?! 🙂  In the picture on the left, she’s wearing items I made from one of the turtleneck sweaters she gave me to convert. In addition to the skirt was able to make leg warmers, which work great with boots as you can see, and a head band.  To ruffle the tops of the leg warmers, I just ran a line of zig zag while stretching the sweater fabric as I sewed.  The flower was cut from two pieces of the sweater and then zig zagged along the edges.  (See full instructions below) The picture on the left shows how she coordinated the beige & cream skirt with her sweater and ankle boots – super cute!

Here is the before and after for a cream turtleneck I had that felt too big

Below is a compilation of 4 of the skirts I’ve made for myself . You can get an idea of how versatile these skirts are.  Bonus – they are SOOOO comfy!  The middle two pics show the scarves I made from the sleeves of the turtlenecks.  *Please excuse the blurry pictures*

Four recycled turtlenecks – now skirts, scarves, leg warmers

Supplies Needed

  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Thread, sewing pins, scissors
  • Cutting mat
  • 1 turtleneck sweater
  • 2″ wide elastic – enough for waistline + 2″

Instructions for Skirt

  • The first step is to turn the turtleneck inside out
  • Cut off each sleeve at the seam & set aside
  • Next, you’ll cut right below the seam where the turtleneck meets the body of the sweater – just cut straight across from the top of one arm hole to the top of the other.  Set aside the turtleneck
  • What you have left is what will be your skirt
  • Pin the front to the back along the armhole edges
  • Stitch each side beginning at the top of the arm hole and easing into the part of the skirt that is already seamed
  • To make the waistband:  turn over the top edge, pin, and stitch to the body of the skirt, stretching the fabric a bit as you zig zag.  I like to use wide elastic an 1 or 1 1/2 for comfort but you can make it any size you want.  Leave an opening to thread the elastic and once it has been installed, sew ends of elastic together and sew the opening closed
  • The hem will be done as it is the hem of the turtleneck
  • Turn the skirt right side out and enjoy!
  • You can make leg warmers from the sleeves by cutting off the curve at the top and running a zig zag stitch to prevent raveling and to give them a fancy, curly edge

With the left over sweater, you can make a couple other things…..

Instructions for Leg Warmers

  • Cut off the top of the sleeves
  • Turn over raw edge and stitch – you can use a straight or zig-zag.
    The one on the left is a straight stitch and the right is zig-zag.  See how the right is curlier – your choice which stitch to use
  • I chose to leave the sleeves the same length so I had room to make a cuff.  If you do not want a cuff, cut from the top to shorten because the bottom of the leg warmer is pre-hemmed from the sleeve edge

Instructions for Headband

  • Cut off turtleneck
  • With wrong sides together, zig-zag stitch raw edges
  • Flatten headband with seam centered and pin
  • With a damp lint-free cloth and hot iron, press headband flat
  • At the seam and opposite of the seam, do a quick zig zag to hold the headband flat
  • To make a flower, cut a strip from one of the sleeve tops (I cut 3″ wide, then trimmed it to 2″)
  • Zig-zag one edge while stretching to get it to ruffle
  • Stitch ends together
  • Hand baste raw edges and gather
  • Cut to leaf shapes from the other sleeve top
  • Zig-zag along long edges
  • Hand stitch leaves to the headband, then the flower between them
  • Attach decorative button in the center of the flower
From turtleneck, to skirt, leg warmers, headband

Don’t have an old turtleneck? What about a sweatshirt or hubby’s/significant other polo shirt??

Sewing notions can be found here

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