Crafts,  Products I Love

Products – Sewing

I’ve been sewing since I was a teen.  Below are pictured some of the items I have been using recently.  This Brother sewing machine was bought at Costco a few years ago and is my 3rd sewing machine, although I still have the other two, I am currently using the Brother. The Bernina serger is a 2nd hand one that I bought from a lady who had upgraded to a newer model. The scissors are my 2nd pair of Ginghers, although I still have and use the original pair that were given to me as a gift over 25 years ago. 

Before we get into the sewing supplies & tools that I use, at the bottom of this post is a list to use if you are just getting started sewing. You won’t need a fancy sewing machine or expensive scissors. However, a great pair of scissors will last you a lifetime! I will link these items to Amazon for your convenience. If you order through the link, I may receive a bit of compensation (thank you!) at no extra cost to you 🙂

I have 3 of the cutting mats, two are this size and the third is 3′ x 30″.  I bought the small one first, then upgraded to the larger 3′ x 5′.  The 2nd 3′ x 5′ is my son’s.  I gave it to him as a gift but when he moved to Canada, he asked me to store it for him.  In addition to using the cutting mats for actually cutting fabric, I use them for various crafts and as a surface for wrapping gifts. 

The cutting ruler comes in handy when using a rotary cutter and is so efficient when cutting straight lines from your fabric! If you quilt, these two tools are a must. I also find them useful when making flannel baby blankets and cutting the corners at a 45 degree angle.

The work table has been a nice addition to my craft/sewing room. I bought it a few years ago after talking to a friend who owns an alteration shop.  I had been telling her that when cutting out fabric my back had started hurting.  She asked if I had a work table, I answered that I used my cutting mat on the floor and cut fabric while on my knees.  That’s when she suggested I get a table.  Although I find that I often use one of my cutting mats on the floor, the table makes it much more comfortable when I use it instead.  The features of this table are nice, both the height and the size of the table are adjustable. I have provided a link to JoAnns website so you can see the full description.  The height adjusts from 29″ to 38″.  The table top expands from 17.5″ to 59″ and the width is 35.8″.  Each leaf folds down so you can use it full size, drop one or both leafs if you need to store it or to allow additional room. That feature has been helpful when I have used my craft/sewing room as a guest room for company. 

Sewing Essentials for the beginner

  • Needles
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Pins
  • Seam ripper
  • Rotary cutter
  • Sewing ruler
  • Cutting mat
  • Tape measure
  • Pin cushion
  • Sewing machine needles
  • Sewing machine

Get your Sewing Supply Checklist here

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~This post may contain Amazon affiliate links. If you choose to order through my links (thank you!!!), it will help support my blog at no extra cost to you~

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  • Charli Dee

    Very interesting post! My mother loves to sew. She’s sewn a dress and costumes for me when I was a child. I’ve always been a bit interested in learning how to sew myself, but never got around to learning how. Your blog is so fun by the way!

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