
Sunshine Blogger Award

Wow!  I can hardly believe that I was nominated for this award!  And not only by one but two of my fellow bloggers! 

The idea to start a blog came to me almost a year ago when I was thinking of a way that I could store both the pictures & stories of all the creative ‘stuff’ I have done and will do in the future.  I thought about the Facebook albums I have created but those don’t document the process a project or craft entails.  Then I thought a blog would be the perfect place to store all that information and also allow me to share it with others.  Once I decided on creating a blog, I was inspired to do it in a way that would encourage others to explore their creative side.

I’d like to thank The Yogans and One Open Hearts Journey for the honor of being nominated for this award!  I am thrilled to be part of this blogging community!


The Sunshine Blogger Award is peer recognition to bloggers who bring positivity, joy and creative content to the blogging world. It is a chance for us bloggers to recognize and uplift one another and loudly say, “I see you and you matter. Keep doing what you’re doing!” For me, being nominated means people are seeing my content, and I am doing something right, which feels amazing!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to his/her account
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the award and ask them 11 questions
  • List these rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and on your blog

Questions asked of me by The Yogans & my responses

  1. What or who inspired you to start your blog? I was looking for a place to store pictures of my projects along with the steps it took to accomplish them. 
  2. What do you wish you knew about decorating or remodeling? Over the years, I’ve learned from friends, magazines, TV shows and more recently, online what the options are for both of these.  Through trial and error, I have identified my personal style although that has shifted over time.
  3. Who has had the biggest impact on you in your life? My parents.  They were great role models for creating a fun and loving home.
  4. What advice would you give your younger self? Chill out and have more fun.  Nothing is that serious and you are extraordinary!
  5. How do you start your morning? With coffee!
  6. Who or what has had the biggest impact on your blogging (course, person, inspiration, etc.)? It’s a Lovely Life.  They have a great course to help set up your blog.
  7. What three words would you use to describe yourself? Mom, Grandma, Creative
  8. What is one thing you want your blog audience to know or take away from your blog? That they can create a beautiful, unique home without hiring help or spending a lot of $$
  9. What is your favorite room in your house and why? My craft room because it’s where my ideas become things.  Next up, the garage for the same reason.
  10. What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you? Let it go
  11. How would you describe your decorating style? Eclectic with a touch of French Countryside and Tuscan

Questions asked of me by One Open Hearts Journey & my responses

  1. Where do you see yourselves in 6 months?  Retired and spending my free time creating and enjoying life!
  2. What keeps you motivated each day?  There’s always something to look forward to.
  3. Say what your dream is and how you’re going to reach it?  My dream is to retired from working a full-time job so I can spend more time with my family and pursue my passions.
  4. What’s the one thing that’s been troubling you or been on your mind and how can you resolve it?  At this time, nothing has been troubling me.  I am truly blessed!
  5. What’s the best part of you that you really love and why? My creativity.  Creating something new or refurbishing an old item brings me joy.
  6. Describe your BEST day. Now make it happen.  Waking up when my body is ready, drinking coffee & being with family.
  7. What was your BEST compliment you got? Believe it, it’s true.  That I made the person feel better just by being with them.
  8. What’s your favorite memory and why?  Many of my favorite memories are about the camping trips we took as a family when I was a kid.
  9. If you could go anywhere (all expenses paid), where would you go?  To visit my grandkids.
  10. What’s keeping you from living the life you want?   Time constraints….but, I am working to remove that roadblock.
  11. What’s a secret goal you have set for yourself that you’ve been putting off?   At this time, I am in the process of meeting my goals.  It’s time to create some new ones!

My Nominees are:


  1. Describe what your favorite day would look like….
  2. What does your dream house look like?
  3. What inspires you?
  4. Going out for the evening or staying home – which do you prefer?
  5. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  6. If you could change your past, would you?
  7. List the Countries you’ve visited…
  8. What is on your bucket list that you plan to do this year?
  9. Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
  10. Describe your favorite activity….
  11. What is your favorite color?

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