grouting ceiling tile

Oops! Lessons Learned…

This is my confessional page.  Yes, you read that correctly, my confessional page.  As you’ve probably read on my Home or About Me pages, I love me some DImY – Do it My Self!  There is so much joy in doing something yourself!  From the first inspiration, whether it be from imagination, a great Pinterest post, a friend’s eclectic taste, or old school magazine to the completed item or project, it can be just SO MUCH FUN!

Doing things alone, though, has its drawbacks. There are benefits to bouncing ideas off someone else, learning from their experience, hiring professional contractors. So, we’ll explore some of my Oops moments and the lessons I learned in the process.  I could have named this section Are You Kidding Me??!!  but that was a bit long.  This will, by no means, cover every Oops and it’ll be an organic page that blossoms over time as new ‘opportunities’ for improvement are discovered  🙂  I may even include a few oops from friends’ projects.

When reading blogs or Pinterest, what we see are the results of someone’s finished project.  Often, what we don’t see are the little oops that occurred during the process. For most of us, though, there do tend to be oops moments and even a few averted disasters while we are in the process of improving our homes or tackling a new project.  I thought it would be good to show a few of my oops moments and how I fixed them or at least acknowledge that I could have done a better job.

It’s hard to know where to start, there have been many Oops/Learning moments over the years.  I’ll just dig in and randomly select the Oops.

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Oops!  Crown Molding

Oops! Entry FloorO

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