Fashion Upcycle

Let’s Upcycle Sweaters!

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If you’ve read any of my sewing posts, you’ll know that I love to reuse material & repurpose clothing! I’ve made skirts out of polo shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants & turtleneck sweaters. I’ve also upcycled sweaters into leg warmers, fingerless gloves, scarves & headbands. I’ll be talking about the sweater recycle/upcycle clothing in this post. I’ll include photos & instructions for each garment.

Supplies Needed

  • Sewing machine or serger
  • Thread, sewing pins, scissors
  • Cutting mat
  • Sweaters
  • Sweatshirt or sweatpants
  • For skirts: Waistband – either:
    • 2″ wide elastic – enough for waistline + 2″
    • Waistband from sweatpants
    • Ribbing from the waistband of a sweatshirt

Fingerless Gloves

Instructions for Fingerless Gloves

  • Cut off the wrist piece from 2 sleeves – these will be your palm & wrist pieces
  • Cut 4 strips of sweater 3″ wide & the circumfrance of the largest part of your arm, usually 7″ to 8″ – these will become the arm piece
    • The width of the strips and how many you use depends on the look you like & how long you want the gloves to be
  • Serge the raw edge of one of the wrist pieces to make the top of the palm piece
  • As you come to the end of your serging, leave a ‘tail’ of serged thread so you can weave that piece back through the stitching to prevent it from fraying. You can also cut it off and add a drop of Fray Check
  • Turn the palm piece that has been serged inside out and insert it into the 2nd wrist piece so they are wrong sides together
  • Serge these two pieces together, leaving a space of about 1″ between the beginning and end of your stitching – this will be the hole for the thumb
  • Weave both end pieces of serged thread back through the stitching to secure the thread
  • Pull the palm piece out of the wrist piece
  • To make the arm section
    • Sew together the short ends on each strip of sweater material to make a circle
    • One at a time, sew each circle together with wrong sides together, securing the end of the serged thread as described above
    • Serge the raw edge of the last circle that will be closest to the elbow to prevent fraying. You could always use another sweater sleeve wrist section for this piece
    • Attach the arm piece to the hand piece – your glove is complete!
  • Follow instructions for the 2nd glove

Patchwork Skirt

Instructions for Patchwork Sweater Skirt

  • Cut strips of various sweaters 3″ – 4″ wide and of various lengths
  • Serge or zigzag the strips short sides together in a patchwork pattern until you have two separate pieces the width of your hips
  • Serge or zigzag the strips long sides together until you have the length you desire
  • Using an existing skirt or skirt pattern, cut the patchwork pieces into the shape you want
  • Stitch the back of the skirt to the front at the side seams
  • Serge or zigzag the bottom of the skirt to create the hem
  • To create the waistband, you have two options
  • Option 1:
    • Cut a 5″ wide section of one of the sweaters from side to side including both the front and back of the sweater
    • Measure waist and alter the width of the strip to fit then sew at that point to make it smaller as needed, leaving an opening for the elastic
    • Fold strip and stitch the two raw sides together, this will create a casing for your elastic
    • Stitch the sewn side to the top of the skirt
    • Thread elastic through the opening and stitch the ends of the elastic together
    • Stitch the opening closed
  • Option 2:
    • Use the ribbing at the bottom of a sweater & alter it to fit your waistline, leaving an opening to thread elastic
    • Thread elastic through the ribbing
    • Attach waistband to the top of the skirt
  • Option 3 – fastest
    • Using a pair of sweatpants in your size
    • Cut the waistband off, leaving a seam allowance of about 1/2″
    • Attach the waistband to the top of the skirt

Sweater Skirt

Instructions for Sweater Skirt

  • The first step is to turn the turtleneck inside out
  • Cut off each sleeve at the seam & set aside
  • Next, you’ll cut right below the seam where the turtleneck meets the body of the sweater – just cut straight across from the top of one arm hole to the top of the other.  Set aside the turtleneck
  • What you have left is what will be your skirt
  • Pin the front to the back along the armhole edges
  • Stitch each side beginning at the top of the arm hole and easing into the part of the skirt that is already seamed
  • To make the waistband:  turn over the top edge, pin, and stitch to the body of the skirt, stretching the fabric a bit as you zig zag.  I like to use wide elastic an 1 or 1 1/2 for comfort but you can make it any size you want.  Leave an opening to thread the elastic and once it has been installed, sew ends of elastic together and sew the opening closed
  • The hem will be done as it is the hem of the turtleneck
  • Turn the skirt right side out and enjoy!
  • You can make leg warmers from the sleeves by cutting off the curve at the top and running a zig zag stitch to prevent raveling and to give them a fancy, curly edge

Leg Warmers

Instructions for Leg Warmers

  • Cut off the top of the sleeves
  • Turn over raw edge and stitch – you can use a straight or zig-zag.
    The one on the left is a straight stitch and the right is zig-zag.  See how the right is curlier – your choice which stitch to use
  • I chose to leave the sleeves the same length so I had room to make a cuff.  If you do not want a cuff, cut from the top to shorten because the bottom of the leg warmer is pre-hemmed from the sleeve edge

Sweater Headband

Instructions for Headband

  • Cut off turtleneck
  • With wrong sides together, zig-zag stitch raw edges
  • Flatten headband with seam centered and pin
  • With a damp lint-free cloth and hot iron, press headband flat
  • At the seam and opposite of the seam, do a quick zig zag to hold the headband flat
  • To make a flower, cut a strip from one of the sleeve tops (I cut 3″ wide, then trimmed it to 2″)
  • Zig-zag one edge while stretching to get it to ruffle
  • Stitch ends together
  • Hand baste raw edges and gather
  • Cut to leaf shapes from the other sleeve top
  • Zig-zag along long edges
  • Hand stitch leaves to the headband, then the flower between them
  • Attach decorative button in the center of the flower
From turtleneck, to skirt, leg warmers, headband

Don’t have an old turtleneck? What about a sweatshirt or hubby’s/significant other polo shirt??

Sewing notions can be found here

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