Crafts,  Gifts

Let’s Make a Self-Binding Blanket!

Have you heard about the self-binding blanket technique? I’ve made several types of blankets over the years: flannel, patchwork, t-shirt, quilted, crocheted, rag, fleece. Many of the blankets were the type where the fabric backing is used for the border binding. When making those blankets, I often found it difficult to get the corners just right. THEN, I ran across instructions about self-binding blankets. I was so intrigued! There are two styles of this technique, one works well with flannel or cotton fabric, the one I’m sharing with you today works well with fleece type fabrics. I think you’re going to like reading about this technique and I know you’ll love using it!

This self-binding blanket is fast and easy to make!  Its double thickness makes it so warm and comfy.  I like to use complementary fabrics in coordinating colors or patterns.  For this blanket, I used a print for the top piece and a solid for the back.  Instead of buying fabric this time, I used two store-bought fleece throws.  However, if you choose, you can buy the fleece instead. Below are the supply list & instructions and I’ve included a video tutorial for you as well.


  • 2 Fleece Throws
  • Cutting Mat (*optional)
  • Cutting Ruler
  • Rotary Cutter
  • Scisssors
  • Thread
  • Sewing Pins
  • Sewing machine
Cutting the top piece

The basic idea of this blanket is that your backing fabric, which is also the border binding, will be larger than your top fabric. Because the fleece throws are the same size, you’ll be cutting one of them to make it smaller. To make the instructions more clear, I’ll refer to the back as ‘plain fabric’ and the top as ‘printed fabric’.

Two fleece throws

Measure the size of your fleece throws; mine were 50” x 60”.  The printed fabric will be cut to equal 44” x 54”, this will provide a 3″ border binding.  I used a cutting ruler and rotary blade for this step.  The first cut I made was to remove the hem from the top and 1 side of the throw. Next, I folded the fabric in ½ to make it faster to cut.  I removed the remaining 5″ from the bottom & 2nd side where there was still a hem – that made a total of 6″ removed from the throw. You can also use scissors for this step.  Once you have cut the fabric, set it aside.

Cutting the corners

The next step is to cut off each corner of the plain fabric.  The size of the triangle you cut will depend on how large you want your border to be.  I wanted a 3” border so the size of my triangles was 3 ¼”.  The ¼” will be used for the seam allowance. Using a cutting ruler & rotary cutter, measure your triangle and make the cut. You can continue this method or use the 1st corner piece as a template for the other 3 corners then use scissors for the cutting.

Sewing the corners

When all 4 corners have been cut, fold each corner right sides together, pin in place then sew at a 1/4” seam allowance. Make sure these are accurate, it will affect your finished results. Repeat this for all four corners.

Assembling the pieces

After all corners have been sewn, flip all corners out. Lay the back piece on the cutting mat, binding up. Lay the printed fabric, right side up on top of the back, and tuck the fabric into all the corners, it should fit exactly. Make sure both pieces are flat so your finished blanket isn’t bunched. Pin the border to the printed fabric. Since fleece is stretchy, place your pins about 2” apart.

Sewing top to back

Since the fleece throw already has a finished edge, you will not need to create one. Topstitch the binding in place along the stitching for the hem and again about ¼” from the inside edge. You could also use a blanket or zig-zag stitch for this. A walking foot is helpful for keeping the top and bottom pieces moving smoothly through your machine but not necessary.  Of course, if you prefer, you could hand stitch the binding in place.

Finished blanket

This blanket goes together very quickly! Here is the finished look.

As you can see, my grandbabe loves it!


  • Wash fleece throws
  • Cut the hem from the top and 1 side of the printed fabric
  • Cut 5″ from the bottom and 2nd side of the printed fabric where there is still a hem
  • From each corner, cut out a 3 1/4″ triangle
  • Fold each corner piece, right sides together & pin
  • Stitch corner pieces using a 1/4″ seam
  • Turn corner pieces right side out
  • Lay back border side up on cutting mat/floor/table
  • Set printed fabric, right side up on top of the back piece
  • Tuck edges of the printed fabric into border & pin in place
  • Topstitch the binding in place along stitching line of the finished edge of the back & again 1/4″ from the inside edge of the border

Below is a fleece blanket I made for my youngest grandson from fleece fabric using the technique I described above. I made a larger border on that one. The flannel blanket made with another self-binding technique. I’ll post that technique soon.

For your convenience

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